A registered nurse working previously in the Philippines and Spain.

Russel Care in Netherlands.

Practical information

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

4 – year course

CBIG-registration number in Netherlands:


Chamber of commerce registration number in Netherlands:


ABG code – General data information:


Hospital Sitting: Short Stay

 – AMC

  – OLVG Oost 

  – Waterland 

  – ZMC

  – BovenIJ 

  – Kennemerland  

  – VUMC

Other Health Care Institutions:
Long Stay Nursing Home

– Amsta Foundation

 – Cordaan 

 – Evean Care

 – Amstelring

 – Zorggroep

 – Zonnehuisgroep 

 – Zorgcircle

 – Zorgbalance

 – Nieuwe Unicum

Health Care Category
  • Revalidation/recovery department for fractures, CVA etc. 
  • ELV – first line stay
  • GRZ – geriatric revalidation care
  • Somatic-geriatry department 
  • Psycho-geriatric department 
  • Korsakov department 
  • Palliative care 
  • EENT department 
  • COVID cohort department 
  • Special care for Multi-sclerosis patients

= 3 years working as flex nurse through an agency in different places on salary basis.

= 8 years working with indefinite contract.

– Responsible for more than 5 patients of the department, organizing multidisciplinary discussions about the patient’s condition involving patient’s family, doctors, and other paramedics in order to provide optimal care.

– Responsible for updating patients health care plan.

– Guide and educate few students with their nursing study.

– Area of concern for Medication Safety Protocol.

– Responsible for ordering stocks for health care use products and expiry controle like for example , wound dressing materials, for catheterization, injection and etc.

– Ergo coach

= Competent and qualified self-

   employed nurse from January

   2022 up to present.

– updated certificate of relevant nursing procedures.

– First aid training, basic life support including fire safety procedures.

– Solo partners member

– My quality label Kiwa member

– FNV member

– With accountant

– With legal adviser


 = Visayan

 = Tagalog

 = Spanish

 = English